A poem dedicated to International Women’s Day simply entitled.
A delicate rose.
A hawthorn tree.
A gentle breeze,
or a tsunami.
Timid and gentle.
Fiery and loud.
A blue summer sky,
or a dark sullen cloud.
Peaceful, forgiving.
Wrathful when scorned.
Witty and playful.
Sometimes forlorn.
Slight or voluptuous.
Petite or tall.
Relentlessly caring.
There when you call.
These are the traits,
that most ladies possess.
Yet figuring them out,
Well … that’s anyones guess.
But sometimes the mystery,
of how they are wired,
is generically puzzling,
to pique man’s desire.
So here’s to the women,
all over the globe.
Long may you continue,
to break a man’s balls
For without you beside us –
I’m inclined to declare –
no man is complete,
if a woman’s not there.
Happy IWD ❤️
P. A. Davies: 8th March 2022
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